The Icelandic workshop of the TreProX project started formally on Monday the 11th of October. There are 39 participants in the workshop, from Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.  On the first day there were three lectures in the morning. Dr. Ólafur Eggertsson from the Iceland Forest Services gave an introduction to wood anatomy and wood quality. Next in line was Björn Källander, a specialist from Sweden who talked about small scale wood drying. The third lecture was given by Dan Johansson, a forest specialist from Sweden who talked about quality in forestry and how it is possible to obtain quality timber with proper maintenance. After a very good lunch the group visited Skorradalur, a forest the Iceland  Forest Services (IFS) maintain. Valdimar Reynisson, one of the employees of the IFS received the group and guided through an arboretum. Luckily the weather was very nice and everyone enjoyed the scenery.