Wood Processing Standards for Iceland

This output did cover the translation of the relevant sets of qualified standards in wood processing (main focus on timber classification). The output is built on the Swedish timber grading system, which is controlled by Svenskt Trätekniskt Forum. TreProX project and Tretækniráðgjöf ehf did collaborate with Tomas Ivarsson from Svenskt Trätekniskt Forum. He attended as well the first Icelandic TreProX workshop and taught and trained the students “hands-on” how to apply those standard classfication system. These norms were translated from Swedish to Icelandic.

This output includes as well the preparation of teaching materials covering wood processing standards in form of a handbook/manual. So far do such norms did not exist in Iceland. The translation and approval of such standards will be of prerequisite for the timber-related industry to launch operations on a professional level. To communicate these standards in an educational way it will be important that learning material has been be designed leading step-by-step through standard procedures, principles, criteria and standard indicators. Learning materials include practical aspects.

The main output is the translation of the commercial timber grading system from Swedish into Icelandic. This output has been published as an open access publication in the form of an E-book. The E-book Gæðafjalir is available through this teaching platform. There has been giving out a print edition as well.